The story behind Queen Anne Kismet Chocolate
Our original 1920’s Queen Anne chocolates had their own names – the most famous of those was Kismet (from Persian origins meaning destiny).
One of the earliest images comes from the Queen Anne Chocolate guide – see Kismet 2nd from the bottom with its unique chocolate swirl decoration. Kismet was ‘hand-rolled’, which accounted for its round shape, and a delicious blend of milk chocolate and coconut in a fudge centre.
Not only could you go into the original Queen Anne, Adams Bruce shops and select individual Kismet chocolates from the glass display cabinets, but Kismet was also packed in its own box.
Does anyone remember this Kismet box circa 1960’s?
Today Kismet is still available, albeit by another name. You will find this delicious milk chocolate coconut fudge in our Queen Anne Fudge Trio. Make it your destiny to taste it today.
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